KS1 science: Plants
Roots, stems, leaves and flowers word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: bark, bud, bulb, energy, flower, leaf, light, microscope, nutrient, oxygen, petal, root, seed, soil, stem, tree, tube, vein and water.
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book ‘Roots, stems, leaves and flowers’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: animals
Wings, paws, scales and claws word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: amphibian, bird, body, claw, fangs, fish, gills, insect, mammal, paw, predator, prey, reptile, scale, sort, spider, teeth, tusk, venom and wing.
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book ‘Wings, Paws, Scales and Claws’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: living things and their habitats
Habitats and food chains word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: algae, bird, desert, environment, food, garden, habitat, microscope, nectar, nest, nocturnal, nutrient, plankton, plant, predator, prey, rock, sea, tree and woodlands.
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book ‘Habitats and Food Chains’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: animals, including humans and living things and their habitats
Growing and changing word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: algae, bee, bird, butterfly, cell, chick, chrysalis, dog, egg, frog, froglet, insect, lamb, larva, mammal, nest, pollen, pupa, puppy and tadpole.
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book 'Growing and Changing’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 science: Living things and their habitats
Is is living or non-living word search with key vocabulary for this curriculum topic. Includes: air, alive, animal, cells, cotton, energy, grow, human, living, microscope, move, nutrient, plant, reproduce, robot, seed, sort, tree waste and wood
Perfect to introduce or revisit key vocabulary.
It complements our book ‘Is it living or non-living?’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 Science: Living things and their habitats
Address key concepts and misconceptions in KS1 Science with our ‘Three Thoughts’ activity, designed to get children reasoning scientifically about their new science topic. Includes two layout options: the fully illustrated option could use this displayed on a whiteboard or working wall to encourage discussion, or the blank box version to encourage children of all writing abilities to record thoughts for their science books.
This resource complements our book 'Is it living or non-living?’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 Science: Animals
Address key concepts and misconceptions in KS1 Science with our ‘Three Thoughts’ activity, designed to get children reasoning scientifically about their new science topic. Includes two layout options: the fully illustrated option could use this displayed on a whiteboard or working wall to encourage discussion, or the blank box version to encourage children of all writing abilities to record thoughts for their science books.
This resource complements our book ‘Wings, Paws, Scales and Claws’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 Science: animals, including humans
Address key concepts and misconceptions in KS1 Science with our ‘Three Thoughts’ activity, designed to get children reasoning scientifically about their new science topic. Includes two layout options: the fully illustrated option could use this displayed on a whiteboard or working wall to encourage discussion, or the blank box version to encourage children of all writing abilities to record thoughts for their science books.
This resource complements our book ‘My Senses’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 Science: Plants
Address key concepts and misconceptions in KS1 Science with our ‘Three Thoughts’ activity, designed to get children reasoning scientifically about their new science topic. Includes two layout options: the fully illustrated option could use this displayed on a whiteboard or working wall to encourage discussion, or the blank box version to encourage children of all writing abilities to record thoughts for their science books.
This resource complements our book ‘Roots, Stems, Leaves and Flowers’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
Get children to consider what they know and what they want to know about growing and changing in science lessons. Complete the final column ‘what did you learn?’ at the end of the topic. This reflective practice will create eager scientists always contemplating their next line of enquiry.
This resource complements our book ‘Growing and Changing’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
Get children to consider what they know and what they want to know about plastic pollution in science lessons. Complete the final column ‘what have you learnt?’ at the end of the topic. This reflective practice will create eager scientists always contemplating their next line of enquiry.
This resource complements our book ‘Let’s Investigate Plastic Pollution’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
Get children to consider what they know and what they want to know about their senses in science lessons. Complete the final column ‘what have you learnt?’ at the end of the topic. This reflective practice will create eager scientists always contemplating their next line of enquiry.
This resource complements our book ‘My Senses’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
Get children to consider what they know and what they want to know about animals in science lessons. Complete the final column ‘what have you learnt?’ at the end of the topic. This reflective practice will create eager scientists always contemplating their next line of enquiry.
This resource complements our book ‘Wings, Paws, Scales and Claws’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
Get children to consider what they know and what they want to know about everyday materials in science lessons. Complete the final column ‘what have you learnt?’ at the end of the topic. This reflective practice will create eager scientists always contemplating their next line of enquiry.
This resource complements our book ‘Everyday Materials’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
Get children to consider what they know and what they want to know about keeping healthy in science lessons. Complete the final column ‘what have you learnt?’ at the end of the topic. This reflective practice will create eager scientists always contemplating their next line of enquiry.
This resource complements our book ‘Keeping Me Healthy’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
Get children to consider what they know and what they want to know about plants in science lessons. Complete the final column ‘what did you learn?’ at the end of the topic. This reflective practice will create eager scientists always contemplating their next line of enquiry.
This resource complements our book ‘From a Tiny Seed to a Mighty Tree’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
Get children to consider what they know and what they want to know about habitats and food chains in science lessons. Complete the final column ‘what did you learn?’ at the end of the topic. This reflective practice will create eager scientists always contemplating their next line of enquiry.
This resource complements our book ‘Habitats and Food Chains’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
Get children to consider what they know and what they want to know about seasons in science lessons. Complete the final column ‘what have you learnt?’ at the end of the topic. This reflective practice will create eager scientists always contemplating their next line of enquiry.
This resource complements our book 'What’s the Season?’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
KS1 Science: Living things and their habitats - Is it alive or not alive?
Use this multiple choice tick sheet for initial assessment for this science topic. Giving the children real life pictures, as well as the option for ‘not sure’, enables you to get as clear an understanding as possible of their current knowledge. It complements our book ‘Is it living or non-living’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
This download helps meet the following National Curriculum targets:
Year 2 Science: Living things and their habitats
Explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive
Notes and guidance (non-statutory)
Pupils should be introduced to the idea that all living things have certain characteristics that are essential for keeping them alive and healthy. They should raise and answer questions that help them to become familiar with the life processes that are common to all living things.
Pupils might work scientifically by: sorting and classifying things according to whether they are living, dead or were never alive, and recording their findings using charts. They should describe how they decided where to place things, exploring questions for example: ‘Is a flame alive? Is a deciduous tree dead in winter?’ and talk about ways of answering their questions.
Use these worksheets to ensure children have secured key vocabulary for trees: roots, leaves, bark, branch, twig and soil. Colour and labels activity as well as fact sheet. It complements our book ‘Roots, stems, leaves and flowers’ from our FUNdamental Science series. For more information, downloads and to purchase our books, please visit www.rubytuesdaybooks.com
This download helps meet the following National Curriculum targets:
Year 1 Science: Plants
Statutory requirements:
Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.